Well this might shock you even more...We won't even know the sex, the skin color, or even the age of the kid until it's go time! And by go time, I mean go home time.
To put it simply, we're going to be adopting! Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Matt and I have a very long road ahead of us. Classes about kids, classes about healing, classes about abuse, CPR classes, classes about classes...you name it, we will be going to a class about it, or because of it. This is quite an adventure for the both of us, and we thought we would share it with our friends and family.
At first, I thought I'd be sad that I'm not writing about the little "plus sign" or the way I left an EPT on the counter for Matt to see, or if I'm craving some random food, or the way I can't get out of bed because I have morning sickness...but, I'm not! I'm actually pretty darn glad I don't have headaches and nausea and unavoidable weight gain.
For myself, it's been a hard year and a half trying to get pregnant, I'm not going to lie. Some days I got angry, some days I became depressed, some days I just wanted to stick my tongue out at the next girl that told me she was pregnant, (no matter how happy I actually was for them). But, I have always felt called to adopt and now I understand why. I have always believed that the Lord would not give me a situation I could not handle, and now I understand why. I believe in this verse more than anything, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps." (Proverbs 16:9 ) ..and now I understand why. Now, if I do end up getting pregnant while we are going through this adoption process, that is a whole other issue and we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
The biggest question I get after I tell people our plan to adopt is, "What about fertility treatments?"
Ok, here's my soap box people. You asked for it. Or maybe you didn't but you're gonna get it!
I believe that if I am meant to have biological children, then God will give me those children. I don't see the point in spending tons of money and time on treatments that may or may not work, while an abused, neglected, lonely child is waiting for a mommy and daddy to love them. I refuse to be one of the many that turns my head and says, "I'll let someone else deal with those kids, they have too much baggage." So there it is. The Bible tell us to take care of the orphans, and that is what we plan to do. So we are asking for prayer for the strength to take care of the children that He places in our home.
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I have always loved Sandra Bullock, but now I respect her as well. |
Matt and I will be going through the LA County adoption services, starting in Nov. Long story short, we had started the Orientation in the OC system, but we'll be moving to Whittier in a few weeks so we were forced to change organizations.
We have decided that we are open to Foster/Adopting kids, anywhere from age infant to 4 or 5 yrs old. We are also open to a sibling group if needed. As some of you might not realize, the older a child gets in the system, the harder it is for them to be adopted. Everyone wants infants. Which is why we will not be joining that waiting list. Yes, it might make our lives harder getting an older child who is probably emotionally damaged already, but we're ok with that. I mean hey, no one's kids are perfect... biological or not!
I suppose some of you are wondering why we have chosen to tell everyone our decision, so far in advance... well here is a list of reasons.
1. We need support, and prayer. And by that I mean lots of prayer support.
2. We're excited! And we want to share the exciting baby news!
3. I'm sick of people asking me why we don't have a baby yet. I am too tempted to tell the next person that we just can't seem to figure it all out...(tehehe)
4. We want to encourage anyone else out there that might be going through what we went, (and are going) through.
5. We're excited!! Did I already say that?
Well thanks for reading, if you made it through this long thing... and in about a year or so, you will get to find out the kid's sex, skin color, weight, age...
...hey, and so will we!