I may not be able to write anything about my future child's heart beat just yet, but I can sure tell you about mine!
I believe I've mentioned on occasion how annoying I find this whole "waiting" process. It has been a year and a half since we started this whole Foster/Adopt adventure. it has been 5 months since the State approved our home for Foster children. It has been 2 months since our last paper-signing visit with our Social Worker. It has been 2 weeks since I've heard anything from her.
She finally called at the beginning of April to schedule her own home inspection! ...Just in time for us to tell her we are currently doing a make-over on our peeled-paint-pink-sink bathroom. (please picture me, appropriately ripping my hair out.)
One step forward, two steps back?? Uuugh!!!!
So hopefully she will be able to come do her visit in the next few weeks after the bathroom is complete...and definitely after I can take a shower again.
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that. is. SO true! seriously! |
Since I hate waiting, and since I love setting goals for myself and crushing through them, I've decided to get in the best shape I can for my future family. Seriously, I have no excuse. I'm adopting, I'm not pregnant, I'm not missing limbs, I'm not helpless, I don't have any broken bones...I can do cardio, I can do sit ups, I can lift weights, I can eat healthy and focus on the health of my own personal body.
The only thing standing in my way, is ME.
I'm going to throw out a little disclaimer here and now: I really don't like working out at all. Although I'm starting to slowly fall in love with it!
so does Sarah... |
I just reeeeally love the feeling the day after when I can't brush my teeth because my arms are still shaking. It means I've accomplished something better than seeing the same lame tv show over and over the night before! I never look at the scale. None of this is about my weight, just about muscle and fitness and health. I never skip a meal, ever...or a snack! I am constantly eating something! But, it all has to be healthy food! Oh, and I am also by no means an expert on food, fitness or anything else you might think.
...and I don't run. Not yet anyway, we'll see if my knees can take it one day.
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SO true! drop that diet, just be healthy! |
Here is the one rule I have for myself when I work out: Do as many as you can do, then do two more.
I don't count reps, I don't count time, I just go until I am sweating and shaking and I can't breath anymore. I can usually make it through the Hour long P90X video, but just barely.
I don't keep track of my heart beat...although I probably should because I'm good at going till it wants to take its beat to the living room floor and start its own 80's disco dance.
I have absolutely no excuse to better myself every day. Some things are so simple! Don't eat junk food! It's not as hard as you think. No soda! (which is just a disgusting, sugary drink anyway and I've never liked it), and no fast food!
can I get an "amen"?!! |
Do you really think God made our amazing human bodies so we could consume horrid amounts of sugar and sit on the couch everyday?! No! He gave us plants and animals and WATER! Do you think he appreciates you stuffing processed food and sugar liquid (aka soda) into your body? Do you really, honestly think your spouse appreciates it? Don't ever take the easy way out, easy is never better. Don't be cheap with the one body you'll ever have! ...those are just some thoughts that got me motivated... is it working on you yet?
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I'm not going to lie, I cheat on my healthy-food plan every single morning. I have coffee. Yes, I love my coffee and my little bit of fat-free half n half.
The trick is, small amounts, and definitely no sugar! And if I know I did my best in the work out the night before, I don't feel bad having one yummy thing that makes me happy in the morning before I hit the stressful road to work.
Like anything in life, it's all about determination, dedication, persistence, patients, strength and self worth. I have been working hard at this fitness thing for 2 months now. I actually started to write this a few weeks back but, GUESS WHAT?! I've been TOO busy working out after work instead of sitting on the couch with my lap top!
Now THAT feels good to say!
push ups, planking, salads, determination...do it. |
Tips: Every time I have an errand running day, I'll bring orange and apple slices in the car with me, along with some fruity water. This way I am never tempted to stop at some convenient evil drive thru.
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this is usually what my home-made lunches look like every day. I NEVER go out to eat while I'm at work. That's a horrible habit. |
Every day, I wake up (around 5:15am), get ready for work, make a healthy breakfast and our lunches, drive 40ish minutes to work, work all day, drive 40ish minutes home, make dinner, (and by now it's 8pm), and the rest is up to me. Watch tv? Sit and eat cookies? Go on the computer? Or do some 50 min. Cardio from my P90X dvd's and feel amaaaaazing the next morning?!
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THIS quote right here, got me off my butt once and for all! NO MORE EXCUSES. |
It's true, YOU have to decide what is important for you, and if it is a life changer that you want... You'll MAKE the time for it.
I'm currently waiting on everyone else to deliver my future to me at this point. My kids are not in my hands, they're in God's hands, and until He gives them to me, I'm going to work my butt off and live a healthy life!
Instead of sitting in our future kid's bedroom, looking at the un-used toys and cute, soft little animal baby blankets, feeling depressed and feeling sorry for myself, wishing I had more control on our future... I'm going to take full control of something I know I can accomplish with enough determination! When you work out, you get out of it what you put into it. So all that energy that used to be focused on wishing and dreaming, turned into DOING. Give 100%, and see the results! It's awesome.
I figure if I can obsess over anything other than waiting for my foster kids, fitness might as well be my obsession! And I'll tell ya what, I'm LOVING the lifestyle change! And I'm not planning on stopping anytime in the near future.
'Till next time then... I'm off to give my dogs a nice long walk in the fresh air and sunshine!
ps, if you have Instagram on your phone, my awesome (very fit) friend Kelley joined up with me for a little inspirational "fitness" album. you can see it here
or just look up "2fitchixx" on instagram. :)