
Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Beep Beep!

This last Saturday, my amazing friends Emily and Kelley, put together one FUN baby shower for Brandon! 
Cars, trucks, mud cups, caution tape, fuel, road signs, tires, dump trucks, cones, you name it, we had it!
Matt and I have been so blessed these last few years with such wonderful people in our lives! 
 From simple "hey, how are ya doing today?" Text messages, to sending us presents for Brandon, to jumping in full force when we need help or support. 

My life is amazing! My friends are amazing! My family is amazing! And my drooly, teething, chattering, clumsy toddler is amazing! 

It was so great seeing so many people that have been a huge support through this whole adoption process! 
Matt got crafty with some tires...
...And everyone enjoyed some nice cold "fuel".

I have a bunch of adorable photos of Brandon playing with his trucks and cars, and laughing with friends and family. 
One day I'll be able to show the world. But for now, just imagine a super happy little guy. 

Thank you again to everyone who helped put this fun day together: Emily, Kelley, Matt, My cousin Danni, my Dad, Matt's mom and Dad... Oh, and my mom helped too...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

All Talk no Walk

It's a little funny and a little insane to me how people want to give kids junk food and sugar, just because: "they're so cute! They deserve a treat!"


Because I'm pretty sure you're just giving that child diabetes and trading it for a smile. 

I'll admit, I've completely fell off the work-out wagon since Brandon came into our home. Yes I've been tired and busy, but there is no excuse for stopping my routines, except pure laziness on my end. 

Luckily, the guilt of not working out, has made me even more persistent in a healthy diet. One thing I definitely won't let slide is the healthy food we've been eating! 
We've had Taco Bell and In n Out a few times, but I won't let Brandon eat it. 
I always bring his own food with us when we are out and about. I might let him have some left over rice, but it's after he's already eaten his lunch. 

He was so constipated when he first came into our home, (and I'm talking 2.5 days), I swore right there, he would have the best diet possible from then on out. 
He is not allowed to have sugar anyway, or he'll get very sick, so we're told. (I'll spare the non-parents and let your imagination come up with the "sick" I'm talking about).

First thing I did was grab gluten free noodles, non dairy Vegan-cheese, a ton of fruits and veggies and almond milk from Sprouts. He's a good eater! He absolutely loves my green smoothies packed with kale and spinach! And he doesn't know he's eating the healthy food. He even has gluten free graham crackers if he needs desert. 

Something I would really like to work on though, is leading by example. 
So here I am, asking for accountability, to be a healthy eating/exercising mommy, so my baby boy can grow up into the strong healthy guy I desire him to be! 

No one can stand those people who are all talk and no action, so today we start fresh. 
Walks, green smoothies, salads for lunch, veggies for dinner. 

Who's with me?!

Monday, August 5, 2013

Week 1.5

So much family, so many friends! 

(This is Brandon with his actual cousin, Brayden... they're very close in age, and they're almost ready for sharing.)

Brandon has been thrown into the "Matt and Sarah's Life Show" with a bang! 

Nothin' phases that kid. 

He is the sweetest, friendliest, funniest little dude! And I'm pretty sure he knows it. He does his own act, complete with a "Ta-daa!" and clapping. Brilliant, I know.

Brandon has met one to two different groups of "aunts, uncles, and cousins"  (family AND good friends included), every single day this week. 
Dinners, lunches, pool parties, the horse barn, Target, the OC Fair, more pool parties... This guy has had one BUSY week! (so have we, zzzzz....)

He also went from having absolutely no sleep-schedule, to taking two small naps a day, and sleeping about 8pm to 6:30am straight through. What a guy! 

He's also become good buddies with the dogs, and he likes to bark at the cat. 

He drools more liquid than he drinks, I swear. 
But even with all the teething going on, he's such a trooper, and barely ever gets fussy. 

He recognizes all 4 of his Grandparents and our siblings now, and he says "behbehdaddy" to Matt. A lot. And random strangers that walk away after taking to us. But hey, he tries. 

The kid is awesome. I'm seriously so in love :)