~Brandon is 21 months old!
~This weekend our baby girl will be 24 weeks along.
~And Monday, Matt and I will celebrate our 7th year Wedding Anniversary!
UPDATE #1: Brandon's language.
After 2 months of "Brandon, say FOOD PLEASE." We've advanced from whining or reaching for food, to using our words!!
"Fffff, Puuuah!"
He also says "Apple" now. Perfectly. And an array of other phrases that are half words and half sounds.
His, "See ya later" is pretty easy to understand. and his "hello" is "HEYAA!!"
He's learned at least 5 words just from me yelling at the dogs and the cat, but he understands the words, and uses them properly, which is always a big help!
(Up, Down, Out, In, No, All Done, Kitty, Woof Woof, etc...)
Considering that this kid didn't really know anything 2 1/2 months ago, he sure has learned quick!
Brandon is also the nicest guy you'll ever meet. Waves and blows kisses to everyone. When we stand in line at Disneyland, he dances to the music and shares his food with the strangers behind us. He never throws temper tantrums in public (yet), and he's getting very good at listening to direction as far as, "Brandon, stay here!" and all that useful stuff for aactive toddlers. He loves attention and loves to make people smile and laugh. He's definitely "that" kid.
I keep thinking he'll be dubbed "class clown" in high school, but he's also kind of a brainy nerd about stuff, and pretty OCD about some things. I'm excited to see what kind of person he'll turn into.
Oh, and the other day he tried to refer to Matt as, "Babe"...guess I need to stop using that word while we're learning "Daddy".
UPDATE #2: My Ninja She-Baby.
I'm almost 6 months pregnant now. I look like I'm growing a basket ball. And...
Oh. My. Goodness. I'm soooo excited to meet this little girl! but seriously... sooo over the whole pregnancy thing.
Maybe I'm just weird, I don't know, but I can't figure out how people would purposefully get pregnant more than once.
Like I told Matt, this is pretty cool to experience, but I'm so over it. And I didn't even have bad morning sickness!
You never hear stories about the head aches, the leg cramps, the heart burn, the lack of sleep, the rolling side to side, the way none of your clothes fit, the heaviness of the belly, the random people always touching your belly, and the kicking. Ooooooh, the dang kicking! And the small punches!! She's running a kickboxing class in there, and its 23 hours a day I swear!
As nice as it is to know my baby is very alive and well... no thank you kid!
I've gotten crazy questions about our birth plan, my nursing plans, our future work plans, etc... I don't remember ever feeling the need to ask a pregnant friend any of those questions, so I'm kind of shocked at the lack of respect for privacy. Maybe I'm just used to "how's the paperwork coming along?" and easy general questions.
Speaking of foster kid paper work, I've also been asked if we'll be "trying" for more kids after this active gal is born. That, I will answer. Yes, of course! But Foster/Adopt kids.
I mean, if God wants to give us another surprise-you're-pregnant-baby then of course, we're there! But our idea is to have a big family and fill our home with kids that need love! And there are SO many more kiddos out there, just like Brandon, that still need families!
Ummm... and NO, we are still not going to tell anyone the baby's name. I've never believed in doing that before my kid was born, and I'm stickin' to it.
Where's the fun in the actual birth day if everyone already knows everything about your baby? "Oh, our baby was born today, you already know everything about her... uh, but here's her weight, because that's exciting news."
I mean...right?
UPDATE #3: This Whole Marriage Thing.
7 years! I remember when Matt and I were just boyfriend and girlfriend and 7 months sounded SUCH a long time.
Then one day we hit 5 years of Marriage and THAT sounded like a long time.
Now we look back and say, "When did all these years go by?!"
We've been together for 10 years, and married for 7 of those.
They have been good, good years.
Yeah, we're married, we drive each other crazy and we don't agree on everything. We've gone through some tough stuff together and in the end, none of it matters.
Matt's still my #1 fan, and I'm his.
We're celebrating our 7 years by staying in town, having a long, fun weekend at Disneyland with the child that we love SO much. Just the 3 of us for a few days, no interruptions. It feels so good to have a complete family.
side news:
I'm done with my official family-leave 3 months of bonding time with Brandon and I'm headed back to work part time until January. I hate to leave him, but you can't live without money. Especially when baby #2 is showing up only 6 months after baby #1. yikes!
This should be interesting doing my dental assisting job with my basketball stomach.
Also, my best friend had to move back to Virginia for a year or so, while her hubby is training to be a pilot in the Navy. It's bitter sweet, but we have such an amazing group of friends, and we'll always be here for each other.
I'm also extremely jealous of her, since she's not only moving to a beautiful area, but it's away from California...and she gets to have a REAL Fall!
Hope everyone has a great week, Happy Fall!!