I can't believe 7 months ago, I didn't know Brandon's name.
Or that I was over 2 months pregnant with my baby girl.
We had nothing but 2 dogs and a cat, 7 months ago!
Now, as I start this blog, (that I probably won't finish for a day or two), I'm sitting here holding my beautiful, tiny daughter, and watching my husband restle my 2 yr old son around the living room floor.
We didn't sleep for over 38 hours Thanks to the timing on when I went into labor... and this last week we've averaged 4 hours of sleep a night...
But we've never been happier.
Do we know what day it is? No.
Do we know what time it is? No...
But who cares right? When you have such a beautiful little family to sit and stare at.
Matt has been my hero this last week. Thanks to the emergency C-section I had, I'm not allowed to bend or lift anything, and I could barely get around the first few days.
He's cooking, cleaning, playing with Brandon, changing both kids' diapers, doing bath time and bedtime with Brandon... driving me crazy, not letting me do anything...
I don't know what I would do without that guy here at home this week!
Incase you missed it somehow, our daughter's name is Journey Roxan.
I chose this name years ago, but never knew how important it would be when I actually became pregnant with her.
Roxan is my middle name. It's also my mom's middle name!
And yes, all three generations of Roxans are spelled the "wrong" way.
I love it.
Journey's birth story is definitely an unforgettable one.
I wasn't going to write down all the details, but I've had a few requests, so...
*disclaimer: don't keep reading if you aren't into birth stories.
Super Bowl Sunday:
I was one day over 40 weeks.
Having a good day, hangin out with my mom and Brandon at my place, because when you're that "due", home is just the best place to be.
I think my contractions started around 4pm.
They were so subtle, it was hard to tell until around 6:00 when my mom and I tried timing them.
Then around 7:00pm, boom! Water broke.
So, I texted Matt, who was at a Super Bowl party, and told him he needed to get home ASAP so we could get the rest of our over night stuff in the car.
Luckily, my mom already had her overnight Grandma-Bag with her, and my dad also drove over to spend the night with Brandon as well.
(Here we are, right before we left for the hospital).
We were checked in and all set up in my delivery room by 10:30pm.
The hours that followed were just full of really annoying contractions and nurses coming to check up on me. Around midnight I finally told Matt to go lay down and get some sleep, since they said it would be a while.
My nurse kept asking me if I wanted the epidural... I hate drugs. Painkillers, unnessisary medicins, etc... So, I kindly refused a few times, thinking "just another few hours or so and I'll be ok"...
Well, sometime around wow-that-reeeeeally-hurts and 3am, my body started pushing. They checked me and I was still only 2cm. Ugh!
So they gave me something to slow the contractions down. Then the Doctor came in an hour later and gave me something to speed the contractions up.
I've never been stabbed by 20 knives before, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't hurt as much as those stupid freaking drugs did. I didn't even realize what they were doing, since they just slipped it into my IV.
Never again. I was SO close to ripping that IV out of my arm.
Anyway, by now Matt was awake and people were rushing to get stuff ready as they told me to push and relax, push and relax.
I think they forgot I never got that epidural and I could actually feel what was going on with my body... without them telling me what to do.
...one hour led into another... 3 hours of pushing and an RN shift-change later, Journey was on her way out. but stuck.
Matt could see the baby's head, but she wouldn't budge any farther.
They called it "sunny side up."
Journey was coming out forehead first, while the back of her skull got
stuck smashing on my tailbone with every push.
So, after ANOTHER hour and half or more of pushing, and one attempt at the suction, I signed the papers to let them perform a c-section.
I was pretty delirious by fatigue and pain by now and so worried about the baby being stuck for so long.
So Matt probably has more details. But I swear from the time I signed that paper to the time they were numbing my spine and cutting me open, it must have been 25 mins.
Journey was "born" at 9:24am.
6lbs 6oz, 19 inches long, and really, really cute.
It was pretty darn disappointing going through all that for 17 hours, and finally having my baby while my head was behind a blue curtain where I couldn't watch anything.
But at least I was awake and got to hear her cry for the first time. She also got some daddy one-on-one time while I got stitched up.
I have a really annoying incision on my stomach, and also have what I'm positive is a fractured tail bone, but you don't get something amazing without working for it. right?
So that's it... A whole lotta craziness resulting in the cutest baby I've ever seen.
Brandon is already being the sweetest big brother with her. He kisses her good night and helps me get her wipes and diapers.
He yells at the dogs if they get too close. He asks the baby "play? Plaay?"
And tell her to wake up.
I'm so upset!! I'm not allowed to pick him up for a few weeks, but he's been such a good boy about it, since I showed him "mommy's owie."
On the way home from the hospital, Matt and I looked in the back seat.
In one spot sat our 2 day old, precious baby girl. In the other spot, where the toddler seat was empty at the moment, it was so amazing knowing our little boy would usually be sitting there... Such an amazing feeling having a full car!
I am loving having "Daddy" home for 2 weeks to help with the babies. We could have never dreamed all this up, but we are so in love with our Insta-Family! :)
Journey is a really good baby. She lets me go to bed around midnight and doesn't wake up until about 3am to eat.
Although, she's a slow eater, and we're usually up till 5am feeding, burping and changing diapers.
Then of course Brandon is up at 6:30...
Well, one day we'll all sleep again, but for now, we'll just keep our days and nights filled with entertaining babies.