
Thursday, March 13, 2014

Riddle Me This

What a month!

For those of you I haven't talked to lately, or those of you who I have, but never followed up after this week's doctor visit, here's somewhat of an update...

We've been on a bit of a journey with our little Journey. 

Of course like most newborns, she started out with jaundice. So we had to visit her Doctor everyday to make sure it was getting better...
She also wasn't eating enough the first 3 days, she was too busy sleeping, (I blame the anesthetic from my stupid emergency C-section for that).

Then, just as we were done fixing those issues, I started noticing her do some crazy things like rolling her eyes, turning red, and strange body movements. 
My first thought was, "um, my baby just had a seizure."

So we talked to a few RNs each jaundice and weight check-in visit, and they all said, "oh, babies just do weird stuff the first few weeks of life."

Uh... No. Not like this.

So I finally had to film these "episodes", (which we're increasing daily), and made an appointment to show the Doctor. 

Sure enough, the doctor sent us straight to a Pedo-Neuologist. 

The Pedo-Neuologist saw us the following Monday, and after watching the videos and listening to our description of what the baby was doing 10 times a day, she sent us straight in for some testing. 

For an entire week, we had 2 doctor appointments a day, driving from Whittier to Downey to LA, back to Whittier, back to Downey...

Journey had an EEG first. 
We sat there for 4 hours in LA with her head all hooked up, and she didn't have a single episode. 

So they gave us a take-home EEG kit for her to wear overnight, then be returned the next morning. 

After we returned the EEG, they found proof of seizure activity going on. So we took our little baby, with glue still stuck all over her head, for her next batch of testing. 

Blood tests, spinal fluid tests, an MRI, another EEG... 

Lemme just say, that little chick is one tough gal! 

And Brandon was also quite the champ. 

Try keeping a 2 yr old in waiting rooms and doctors offices for hours, 3 to 4 days in one week... Woah.
Thank goodness for all his awesome grandparents for coming to the rescue a few times that week! 
We would literally wake up and have to be at an appointment by 9am, then drive somewhere else and not get home till 7pm, and of course be up half the night with the baby... SO glad that's over!

We just had our follow-up appointment with Journey's Neurologist this last Monday, to review all the test results.

So far, she has what the Dr. Is calling "benign seizures." 
Apparently some babies just get them and grow out of them around age one.  
They (the doctors) have not found causes for these types of seizures yet. 


So, she's on some medication to help. 
I hate the idea of medication for anything, especially my infant... But it is helping her, and she's doing fine now.

We'll be going in for some follow up EEGs down the road, just to see if there are any changes to this seizure-riddle.

I'm pretty sure her dramatic my-head-is--really-really-stuck birth caused something to happen... But they can't say for sure. 

We're just glad to hear there are no "major" brain injuries or crazy issues like that happening to our baby girl. 

She's one month old now:
 pretty chill, a little fiesty, very fun, and just as cute as the first time I saw her.  :)