Blame the 2 kids.
Blame the new home business.
Blame my other 2 part time jobs.
Blame the dishes.
Blame the Holidays.
Just don't blame me, ok? I'm not here. and when I am, I don't sit still for very long.
hmmmmm where do I even start?!
My new little Organic Lip Balm business has grown into muuuuch more than I expected at this point!
Yes, we hand make ALL of our lip balms! And yes, it takes HOURS to fill 300 tubes at a time. It also takes hours to wrap the labels on them after they cool down.
I am SO thankful for my supportive, helpful husband! Could I do this entire business all by myself? Of course! But I would be 80% slower doing it all alone.
Most of our work is done late at night after the kiddos go to sleep. Sometimes we're up until 2am making these little guys...
It has been an amazing adventure, building my own business, and I feel SO blessed to be able to stay home with my kids most of the week.
I'm still working one or two days a week at the Dental office. And I clean Horse stalls twice a week to cut costs on my horse's boarding fee. Fresh air, a little break from the babies, exercise and mental therapy. It's a win, win, win!
But enough about me. You're here to hear about the rest of the Fam bam!
We had a great Christmas! Two kids and one huge mess, it was perfect!
Matt is still keeping busy growing the family business. He's able to stop by the house and see the kids often during the day, so that's pretty cool. He also keeps busy playing soft ball a few nights a week.
Brandon is going to be 3 years old tomorrow!
Everyday I tell him to stop growing. And every day he says "Yes mommy, Brandon keep growing!" What a cutie. Seriously, this kid drives me crazy everyday, but if I'm away from him for just a few hours, I miss him so much.
He is so kind, so very polite, very talkative, smart, realistic, funny, and a typical crazy stubborn, dramatic toddler.
He's into trucks, dirt, rescue-bots, fire engines, police cars, trains, tractors, lawn mowers, trash trucks, puzzles, stickers, books, cooking, running, climbing, and so much more.
He always talks in the third person. It's hilarious.
He loves to count, and his favorite number is seven. So counting to twenty usually starts with one, then we skip 4,5 and 13, with some extra sevens and seventeen's thrown in there. He always tells me its, "7 wake up time now"... even at 3pm. So fun.
He loves to count, and his favorite number is seven. So counting to twenty usually starts with one, then we skip 4,5 and 13, with some extra sevens and seventeen's thrown in there. He always tells me its, "7 wake up time now"... even at 3pm. So fun.
He is the ultimate big brother, and is super protective and caring with Journey. He sings to her when she gets fussy, and he (occasionally) shares his cars or trucks with her.
He knows how to change her diaper all by his self, feed her and hold her. And of course he demands to it all without my help.
The other day he even tried to remind me that it was time for her Epilepsy medication. So cute.
We're going to see the Monster Trucks at Monster Jam for his birthday and we're all SO excited!!
Journey is a not-so-tiny 11 month old now days. She's wearing size 18 month clothing. Yikes.
She is such a fun baby though. After everything we've been through, the seizures, the hospitals, the medications, the doctor visits... She has stayed a positive, smiley little bubbly thing through everything! Even while she was teething her (now 10) teeth, she barely ever fussed. What a tough gal!
She loves Brandon and the dogs SO much. She loves trucks and cars and horses too.
She does not love sleep.
I love sleep.
This is where we clash.
But I can't complain, she's much easier than she could be. I think. right? I've never had a baby before, so I honestly have NO idea what I'm doing!
Remember, we got Brandon when he was 18 months old. So I got to skip all the rough "baby stuff".
Oh! She claps on command. So that's a fun party trick. And she sings! She sings the "Bob the Builder" theme song. It almost also sounds like "Bobobobob... ya yaya". Super cute.
We supply our kids with a very loud, rediculous, scheduled, active, funny, musical, crazy atmosphere... just to give them some personality, ya know?
As always, it's January, so we're back to our Clean Eating life style and I'm ready to start working out again.
I'm turning 30 in a few months and I've promised myself I will be the healthiest/fittest I've ever been! So here we gooooo!
My best friend Kelley and her husband Tyler came to visit (from Florida) for one week. It's been over a year since I've seen her face and even though we had two short days together, we had such a great time!
I'll tell you what, good friends are good for your soul.
The kids loved spending time with them too, of course! Speaking of kids...
I'd love to keep going on and on about the two humans responsible for the dark circles under my eyes... but it's getting really late and I still have some orders to fill for Messy Little Smiles.
I promise I'll write an update sooner than 5 months next time, ok?