I've come across a few pretty interesting organizations in the last few years... And in the last few weeks, I've been trying to find more ways to help the Orphans, and how to also help others in my friend/Facebook/Blog/Email readers' circle, help the Orphans.
Most of the people I know, do not have money trees growing in their back yards. I know I sure don't! And this excuse has been stopping me from giving just a little extra to the needy lately. I work really, really hard for my money, and I have bills to pay and a life to live. I'm going to admit right here, I'm a saver. I hold on tight to that money. I saved over $80 cash in a tin can when I was about 14 yrs old, along with a $100 bill my grandparents gave me when I turned 16. I saved that special bill until about a year ago, because I couldn't figure out what was important enough to waste it on. That $100 bill was that special to me. I'm good at saving! However, I had to stop and take a few steps back. What am I saving all my hard earned cash for?
While I was stepping back, I also took a look at what I was unnecessarily spending money on. I only liked spending my money on things I "needed." I saved and saved, and it was my money...so of course I "couldn't afford to help others."
Well, news flash: It's not my money, it's the Lord's money! He has provided this money for me, and I need to use it for Him.
This year, I'm on a new kick with working-out and eating healthier, and my new motto is "NO EXCUSES!"
Now I feel I should apply this motto to other areas in my life.
I had to start somewhere.
#1, I've cut back on Starbucks. Usually Thursday is the hardest, longest, most annoying day at work, and therefore, like most Americans, I've felt I deserve my Vanilla Late every Thursday morning. No mas! Unless I have a gift card!
#2, I always make my own lunches for work. It's just healthier and cheaper, and I've always done it, so technically I'm saving at least $7 a day not eating-out on my 1 hr break. And I will continue to do so.
#3, I don't get manicures/pedicures. This saves at least $45 a month! My nails look pretty crappy, but oh well.
#4, We haven't been eating out on the weekends as much, thanks to our new Healthy Eating plan, so that is saving a lot of extra cash too.
#5, Since I have a job that kinda requires a clean look, I color my own hair. 2 boxes from CVS for about $17 every 2 months or so. Again, not perfect, but I am not afraid of my hair critics.
#6, I've decided that if I feel like buying a new shirt, I will get one from 147 Million Orphans, or Sevenly, Hope for Orphans, or another organization that donates some of the money towards a cause. They will be more expensive than Target's shirts, but the money helps the kids/orphans in need!
There are a few more I'd like to list, but you get the point. These are just ideas I came up with after I got rid of my excuses. Check out this page on what the Bible says about giving. I found all of these verses very inspiring and they gave me that little extra push to dump my money-hoarding tendencies.
Option #1 The Hands and Feet Project!
feel free to click on this link and read about this organization on your own, but here's a little detail:
Each Orphan that they have, needs about $300 a month for food, medical expenses, etc. So, they give each child 10 Sponsors (you, and 9 of your friends), who will donate $30 a month each. Not a bad deal, right?! You can either help an orphan on your own, or you can grab some friends from work, from Bible Study, or even your neighbors! You also get linked up to their own facebook page so you can see daily/weekly reports of your sponsored child.
Here's our new little guy! Esaiie...
Option #2 147 Million Orphans!
Need a new Outfit? No prob!
"The 147 Million Orphans Foundation was created to impact the lives of children through the provision of food, water, and medicine. We invest directly in projects that help provide these basic needs to those who desperately need it, and most of our projects occur in Haiti, Honduras, and Uganda."
Option #3 Show Hope!
"Each orphan in the world has a name and a story, and each waiting child needs a family. For the church to really have an impact, we need first to hit our knees. From prayer springs action, born of love. We are inviting all those willing to join us in praying for these children and every orphan who is waiting for a family."
This organization is set up to help not only the Orphans but adopting families as well.
Here is there Blog: http://blog.showhope.org/
the Show Hope web site has a store and a lot of other information on how you can help! There are also children that can be sponsored...
...or, for those prayer warriors out there, check out this page set up just for you!
Option #4 World Vision
Not just for the orphans, this organization helps suffering families in rural areas plant and grow and raise live stock.
I got Matt this child's sponsorship for Christmas a few years ago. It's been great receiving letters and pictures from this cutie over the years... even if the money doesn't directly help this specific kid, I know that it is helping the organization that is helping his village flourish and become a working village.
We take so many things for granted! I say we, but I know I sure do! I complain because I forgot to buy milk on my hour long grocery store trip... the people in Sneva's village would just love a goat or a cow so they could get some milk!
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"My 3 bedroom home isn't big enough, we NEED to add on!" I call b.s. |
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Nobody likes "laundry day"... I'm pretty sure this family doesn't even know what laundry day is. This is just life. |
We are SO spoiled in the US. We have so many resources, and we need to step outside of ourselves, and open our eyes to the needs that are all around us.
If you really feel like you don't have an extra 50 cents a day to help out financially, there are still many more ways to help these homeless, family-less children! Prayer is always extreemly helpful, volunteering at your local foster care facility, join one of those "run for a cause" marathons and raise money/support, spreading the word about these kids to people you know that may want another child in their home... there are many ways you can be a part of positive change in the world.
God tells us over and over to give, help, love and DO something about the less fortunate in our lives. I look at it this way...I'm on a computer. A computer that goes on-line. If you're reading this on a computer, you are not as poor as you think you are.
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If not YOU, then WHO? If not NOW, then WHEN? NO EXCUSES! :) Every little bit helps. How will you be part of the change?