
Monday, March 30, 2015


So my dad text me last night. Just to remind me that I have "one more month of youth left".

Oh boy! The big 3-0. 

I still remember talking about being thirty with my friends as a kid. If you were 30 you were SO OLD! You might as well buy a walker and sign up for bingo. 

But now days, I keep hearing that your 30's will be the best years of your life. 

Hmm, I don't know if anything could beat my late 20's, those were pretty awesome... but I'm open to see the comparison!

I often sit staring at the life running around my living room and I'm just simply amazed. 

I have never been so tired and so happy at the same time. 

Brandon has grown into such a strong-willed, bossy little leader. But he has a gentle heart at the same time. He's very emotional and watching his different attitudes throughout the day is like watching that last scene in "the Perfect Storm." 
Yes, it's exhausting. 

He talks non-stop.
 I'm serious, it n-e-v-e-r ends! It drives me nuts as I'm trying to think of one full sentence in my mind while he's chattering away. 

But it's so cute. 

He learns so quickly, and he's really loving the new Bible lessons that we've been doing daily! This is our home school version of preschool. It's working really well!! 

Journey is my silly, demanding, bouncy, smiley, opinionated and chatty little girl. 
I can not believe how many words she can say already!
 Her talking and her crawling all started the week after she turned one.

We had so many concerns regarding her future learning ability and motor skills due to her Epilepsy issues and the medication she's on. 
But we can definitely see the Lord just letting her work straight through all of it and continue to grow into a smart little sassy-thang! 

Her first word was "hi Daisy" (our dog).
Her second word was "woooow!"
And her third word was actually a sentence. 
We hear "What is that?!" 20 billion times a day! 
It is SO funny!

Can she say "Mommy" yet? Nope. 
But she'll use all other words properly: "up, down, out, bottle, yes, no, daddy, baby, yums," and she's working on, "hi kitty!"

They're both just amazing to me.

We spend most of our day cleaning up messes and making messes, and doing crafts and cleaning crafts. 

Branond loves to help me make our snacks and smoothies and lunches so by  his nap time, I am SO done cleaning the kitchen for the 20th time! Journey usually plays with all the tupperwhere on the floor or she's pulling all the magnets off the fridge while we're destroying the counters, so it's a fun time had by all! 

I feel like I've conquered the world when I can get them BOTH napping at the same time. 

That's my hustle time. My golden hour. My beast mode for putting together all of my Etsy orders so I can keep those awesome customers happy. 

I feel so blessed to have started this  business from scratch last Summer and we're still seeing it continue to grow and flourish!  

We've done some awesome shows, and I have over 100 Five-Star reviews on Etsy, which is totally inspiring to me! 

If I'm really lucky with naps, and I do all of my orders in record time, sometimes I can sit down for an uninterrupted minute and turn on Netflix. Ahhhhh. Peace. 

Some days are so fun and we get sooo much accomplished!
 Other days, I feel like such a winner for just putting on some jeans. Blah!

I'm trying to savor every moment... I know this stage in my babies' lives will go by so fast. 

But I also live for the mornings that I get to go see my horse. Alone. Outside. Just me. No talking. No toys. No whining. No crying. Fresh air. Hard physical work. Real work, not just cleaning up toys and spilled juice. (I work at the barn twice a week cleaning stalls...essentially, I call it my gym time.) 

Mmmmm. My sanity! 

I am so thankful that I have such a supportive husband. I knew we were a pretty cool couple back in the day... But the older we grow together, the more we become one team. 

My favorite time of day is when he gets home from work. I'm pretty sure I think something like:
"Finally. My back-up has arrived, hallelujah!" 

It might seem lame being so excited for my back-up man... But I'm almost 30 you know, and I'm just an old lady who needs help sometimes. 😉

I keep promising to write more often... So
stay tuned for April's blog! This crazy life isn't slowing down anytime soon and there's always something new to write about! 


  1. Loved this sneak peek into your life! Precious perspective and beautiful babes! 💗 keep writing friend!
