I know, lame title. I sat here for 5 minutes and couldn't think of a better one, so here ya go.
Let's just start off by saying, I'm pretty much always right. With that said...
On Saturday, Matt and I decided to go to the Main Place mall to get him some new jeans.
We always have to eat at Sparrows when we go there, so that was checked off the list right away. We then decided to walk aimlessly around for quite a while trying to find a place that doesn't sell tight little booty jeans for guys. Seriously guys, FYI, ew. Anyway, we finally came around to one of our favorite stores, the C28 store that is pretty much filled with "Christian clothing", and very cool employees.
We met a sweet, talkative girl who is what you would call "on fire" for Christ, and wants to be a missionary once she's out of college. Reminded me of myself at that age, and I hope she sticks to her plan, because she'd be a great one. I then bought a very cute shirt, and we stayed there for about and hour or more chattin' it up with the employees. But, did not find any jeans for Matt.
So we headed to Macy's and long (2 hour) story short, found about 5 pairs, sat in the dressing room saying "those are fine. those are good. nope, not those...yep those..." you get the point. Matt is now a happy owner of some nice Levi's.
Ok, this is the point at which you should be paying close attention:
While we were walking to the car, we were having some kind of conversation about all the people that have had the flu in the last week, and I said, "Yeah, good thing we came to a mall that's filled with sick kids and people that don't care what they're coughing on, when there's a flu going around. What a way to stay healthy huh?" ...and we both laughed. Ha.
After the mall we thought we'd check out Mother's Market since it's 2 minutes down the street. Let me just say, this place is amazing! I love the fresh produce and organic foods.
This place had everything and we spent about an hour just walking around looking at stuff and trying to decide if we should eat there, or at this place called "The Habit" that my Dad keeps telling us about. We picked out some candles, and that's always fun, because I can never just buy something as simple as one candle. Matt made me get 2 of each one. sheesh, guys. oh and then I broke the poor lady's register. Or it didn't like me, something like that. Poor cashier. So flustered. So lost.
By now I'm starving again, it's cold, I didn't bring a sweater even though the "high" was supposed to be 57 degrees, (duh Sarah). So we ran across the parking lot to this yummy place called "The Habit" to chow down some food. They have a great menu selections and some darn good food!
Matt liked it.
The next day, Sunday, we didn't make it to church because I had my cousin's wedding shower to go to, (which was lovely by the way), and Matt was going to his cousin's to play this game I like to call life-sucker. Ok fine, it's called Settlers of Catan, and it takes them hours to play and they fight the whole time. I just don't get it.
So I picked my mom up and we went to the wedding shower, got to spend time with all my amazing aunts and grandma from the "Morris side" of the fam. I love the idea of people getting married. To me there is nothing greater than deciding you're going to commit the rest of your life caring for someone who's going to care for you. Not to mention you get to spend every day with your best friend, and that's an awesome way to spend your life!
On the way home from the shower, Matt text me and I quote, "I'm dying." ...So I text back, "uh, oh, what happened?"....well you don't want to know. We'll just say he had a fever and was huggin' the porcelain throne.
Later that night I started getting a stomach ache as well, and we spent all day Monday (which is thankfully my day off) sitting on the couch like a bunch of bums, watching movies and cuddling with our adorable, hilarious dogs, Beans and Daisy.
We had barely eaten anything except for canned peaches and crackers all day, so around 4pm we ordered pizza. A large, very cheesy pizza. Had a few bites of once slice, and saved the rest for another day.
All in all, it was pretty nice to just sit with my hubby and watch movies and relax, not being able to do anything.
But now we come to the moral of the story:
Don't go to a mall when the flu is going around.
-Although, to me, it was totally worth it :)
You two sure live life to the fullest! And even to the emptiest :)