
Tuesday, June 7, 2011

4 Wheels and Road Kill

So much can happen when you're on the road in the middle of the desert. And sometimes nothing can happen. Sometimes you can make something happen out of nothing! So really, road trips are great, right?

Like getting to see all the road kill, but sleeping through all the "live" animals along the road.

Nooo guys, I didn't take any pictures of the road kill. That's gross. And I couldn't take any pictures of the live animals because my sweet husband kept waking me up after we passed the animals. So thoughtful.

I've found that maturity can change your point of view about road trips. When I was little, I couldn't believe I'd be stuck in the car with the 3 people I spent all day trying to get away from...Now I kind of miss that. Well, maybe...maybe a little tiny bit. Anyway, now that Matt and I hit the road so often together, we love having the time to talk to each other or listen to music...and I've come to realize there are more things that can keep someone occupied than whether or not your little brother's elbow is on your side of the single arm rest or not. (Which, Mom, his was totally over the line!)

One thing I love about sitting in the car hour after hour is getting to listen to my ipod. I spend hours putting together a nice play-list and then get to spend hours listening to it! So it's perfect. Until Matt wants to put his play list on. Then he throws off my groove. So, we came up with an unofficial rule: Whoever is driving, picks the music. Ok fine, Matt's going to call me out on this one. It's more like, "if Sarah is driving, she picks the music. and if Matt is driving, she still picks the music.

Another thing I love is getting to yell at the retarded GPS machine...obviously I am right and the stupid thing doesn't know what it's talking about. "Make a legal U Turn, make a legal U Turn"...blah blah blah. Zip it Betty! (That is what we call her. Don't ask.)

I also love my Starbucks stops. Matt knows, this is going to happen whether he wants to or not.
"There's a Drive-Thru one! Pull over Babe!! pull over!!" ...Then we cut off 10 cars, and make it to the exit just in time.

Ah, Heaven in a cup!

Oh and my favorite thing about road trips, is realizing you have to pee when you're:
 A) stuck on the 91 fwy and you don't want to lose your "parking spot."
B) Just passed the last rest stop for 100,000,000 MILES!
C) Just got back on the road after a long stop and you MUST get going or you'll be completely off schedule!

Then there's always the joy of finally picking a place to eat, and they're "Out of everything" you could possible want to eat, at the moment! (Don't ever go to the KFC in the smallest hick town you find on the way to AZ. Apparently the whole freakin' town goes nighty-night at 9pm on Friday.)

One thing I must say is enjoyable now that we're older and wiser and more mature is, you won't hear me and Matt yelling at each other to "Stop looking out my window!" or "Stop touching my side of the car!" least, until Matt gets bored. Then we're in trouble. You'll probably hear something more like, "Why didn't you turn there!?" and "Turn HERE! uuugh!" and "Stop telling me how to drive!" and "Just pick a place to eat before we pass everything!!!"

...Like I said. Maturity.

So, who wants to hit the road?!

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