The very first thing that comes to my head when I think about my dad is this verse:
"Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will not part from it." Proverbs 22:6
(This is pretty much what I believe to be the opposite of what my dad had in mind for me, although, as we all know...I'm a rebel!)
Dinner table, school desk, church pew, fence, you name it, I must always, "Sit up straight."
When someone says thank you, "It's not 'uh-hu', it's: you're welcome"
When my name is called, "It's not 'what?', it's: yes?"
When telling a story, "It's not 'me and him' it's: He and I."
A few dad related fun-facts I've learned over the last 26 years would be:
-If you want a cute lab-mix puppy, tell your dad he needs a big "manly dog" around. It works.
-There are things my dad taught me, and things I taught myself because of my dad.
-Bike rides can make for great memories.
-His need for perfection became my obsession for imperfection. And now I can accept my every flaw and am the happiest me I could possibly be.
-Bring your dad to hockey practice, the horse stable or on vacation and there is a 98% chance you will be embarrassed at one point. But hey, he was there! And for that, I am thankful.
-The grass in your front yard can also be a part of your family. So next time around, give it a name.
-If you want your dad to like your guys friends, pick friends that are on the wrestling team.
-I tend to be too sarcastic when we are in serious situations. Sometimes I wonder how many times I actually got the car "pulled over" because of something I mumbled from the back seat.
-A piece of computer paper can be used as a child's punishment. Long story.
-No matter how many years you argue and fight with someone, one day it will finally stop. You just have to move out.
-Difficulties we had in the past are now pieces of dust I can shrug off my shoulders. What doesn't kill ya, makes ya stronger. (I'm SO buff!)
-I still don't like math. Dad tried. The greater than, less than (< >) blah blah blah...I just wanted to doodle alligators like the pictures in my math book!
-You can't make your friends or anyone else believe that you're adopted when you look like your dad's entire side of the family.
-If you want to ace your English essay, have your dad proof-read it. Just be prepared to re-write pretty much everything you just wrote in the last 5 hours.
I have to admit, there are some pretty useful characteristics I absorbed from my dad over the years...
-Like the way I love a good challenge, and I won't give up until I get what I want out of a situation.
-Or the desire to grow in wisdom and understanding.
-My mom says I am a romantic just like my dad is. I'm not really sure about that...He writes love poems to her, and I like Wuthering Heights, where everyone is dead, betrayed and tortured by love in the end. But ok Mom...
-Or maybe the way I like to take notes in church during our Pastor's sermon.
-The way we both like little creative projects. Although, I tend to say, "forget this" if it gets boring, while he will do it until the job is perfected and finished.
-I'm pretty sure I got my hard work ethic from him too.
-And the way I enjoy helping make others in our community happy. He's good at that.
-Without a doubt, the way I learned to go straight to my Bible and not a bottle of alcohol if I'm having a ruff day...Or a ruff year.
-And the way I am always thinking of how to be a better example of God's unselfish love, in the back of my mind. I saw that in my dad. (And yes, yes, in my mom too of course, but this is a fathers-day blog, so shush.)
-We certainly have the way I am so hard on myself in common. We are our own worst critics.
I think I do have more differences than resemblances from my dad that I can think of...which will keep me thinking about how to improve what I've just written, for days, even after I finish, edit and post this blog.
And that definitely makes me, my father's daughter.
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