
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

And Then I Opened It.

I just got off the phone with my dad.

He's pretty excited. He knows this is an important night.

In fact, he thought it was so important, that he grabbed the soonest bus home from work and left before he was planning on leaving.

And that proves how important and special this is for him, so of course it made everything even more special for me!

I had emailed him this:

(click on the photo to enlarge)

I've had a long day. A very, very, long 10 hour day. But it's Wednesday right?
Who has fun at work on Wednesdays anyway?!

Like always, I rushed home. In my opinion, driving is the worst waste of time when you just want to be at home. So during my 35-40 minute drive, I'm pretty sure I tailgated. I'm pretty sure I gave some slow guy the stink eye. I'm pretty sure I shook my head at some idiot driver ahead of me. I'm pretty sure I flew over that train track on Lambert near the Arco gas station. But I was kinda zoned-out and my favorite playlist was turned way up, so who knows how I actually got home!

I pulled into the driveway and stumbled out of the car, like I do every night, with all my empty water bottles and my lunch box and a bunch of random stuff in my arms...

I grabbed the mail, said hi to the pets and dumped everything on the kitchen table.

Then I saw the envelope.

And I just kind of stood there, with a little smile on my face.
(at least I think it was a smile... I might have looked completely freaked out, but Matt wasn't there yet to witness my facial expression, so we'll never know!)

As I picked up the envelope and ripped it open, the last 2 years of paper work, waiting, classes, phone calls, letters, prayers, and expectations swirled around in my head.

If this letter is what I thought it was, this means we could get a call any day.

                 Any day!

We could get a call from our CSW saying that she may have found a match for us. It could be tomorrow, it could be next month, or next year. (I think I was still smiling at this point?).
 If this was the letter I thought it was, then things just got VERY REAL!

like, SCARY real!

So I took out the folded, clean, white paper, and took a deep breath.

                 And then I opened it.

Psalm 28:7
The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and he helps me. My heart leaps for joy, and with my song I praise him.


  1. I've been following your blog for awhile now and could not be more happy for you! God is so good and faithful and He will bless your family for all you have done to not leave His children as orphans!

    1. wow, thank you so much!! that really means a lot to us :)

  2. Yep .... now it seems REEEEEAL !!! All kinds of ideas are popping into my head, like: making tents to crawl through in your living room; painting with water on the back patio cement; camping in the backyard; making silhouettes on the wall with a flashlight; pulling the cats tail (oops, did I just say that out loud?). So excited for the little ones to arrive, even if it takes a couple more years :) (and until I figure out how to post a comment as your Mom, I will remain Anonymous :/

    1. haha, oh boy! well thank you to my anonymous Mom! ;)
      Can't wait to make all those messes all over again! (and guess what, I'll even let YOU clean them up if you want!)
