Yes, that is the Spanish word for "Waiting". Why, Sarah? I dunno, I mean how many times can I use the word waiting as a blog title. So, why not make it in another language just for fun right? And yes, I did have to Google search the correct word.
I am the most non-bilingual person ever.
(Although, thanks to my Syrian boss, I can say "open a little" and "close" in Arabic. very useful, I know.)
Lately, I've been checking out the web for fun kid's t-shirts about adoptions and all things related.
Since we are adopting from LA County, I'm 90% sure we will end up as a transracial family, and I know that's going to attract a lot of attention.
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I think this is my favorite! ;) |
So, just thinking about the future, I figure, why not let the kid(s) wear fun clothes that show off our love for them, along with our support for adoption? Since people will be staring anyway, we might as well give them a little lesson in family love despite the colorful palette of our family.
There are some really, really, lame shirt ideas out there.
"Worth the wait"...well duh!
There was one that I almost liked, and then after thinking about it, decided I really didn't like it at all.
That shirt says, "Chosen".
I understand some adoptive parents actually do choose their baby... but I mostly believe that God has the ultimate upper hand in the decision making here.
I mean hey, He already knows who you're going to choose... and I definitely believe he has already chosen our future family for us!
And how is that going to make the other birth-babies feel? They didn't get "chosen", they just popped out!
There is one shirt I kind of liked, but I don't think I'd actually make my kid wear it. It says, "Yes, these are my REAL parents!"
It truly amazes me how, will all the liberal junk going on, and all the "anything goes" attitudes, people can still be SO clueless about adopted kids!
I don't even have my kids yet, and I get asked things like, "Well, why don't you want to have your own kids?"
Or, "Just wait till you adopt, then you'll get pregnant with your own baby, I've seen it happen, I know these things."
I even had a Dental specialist that I occasionally work with, say to me, "You and your husband would make great looking kids, why would you want to adopt someone else's?!"
#1. I'm not here to make little carbon copies of myself. I know I'm human and I can be pretty vain, but I'm not that infatuated with myself. If it happens it happens, if it doesn't it doesn't, simple as that!
#2. We want a family, and all these millions of kids need a family, and it doesn't matter who looks like what or where they came from! We will love every single child that comes into our home and they will be OURS.
#3. My goal is not to adopt and then get pregnant. I don't know why random strangers love to tell me this stuff when they find out I'm adopting. I'm here to do whatever the Lord has planned for me to do, and I have no other ulterior motives.
#4. "Do you think you'll get a kid or kids that look like you and your husband?" Arrrgh, really?!
Why is that even an issue, this is 2013! And NO, I do not! And no, that doesn't bother me one tiny bit.
#5. People are SO weird. I really don't understand the lack of logic in this society. Everyone wants, "equal rights! save the planet! go green! feed Africa! etc"...
But when you tell them you're actually going to be saving a child from a life of Foster Care or being stuck in the system, they say things to me like, "but, what will your real kids think?"
Seriously, what is this, Pinocchio? These will be my real kids. They're very real, and they need a home and a family.
Sorry, I had a long, weird week at work, can you tell?
This is why I like sassy kid's shirts that let people know, yes, my kids are adopted, and yes, it's OK!
I think I'm ready to just make my own. At least it'll keep me busy while we ESPERA!
(I'm probably not using that work in the correct apologies to anyone who actually speaks Spanish out there. Like I said, my other language skills are no es bueno!)
In other, current news, we had an awesome turn out at our family 4th of July BBQ yesterday.
In the last meeting that we had with our Social Worker, she asked us if we believed in celebrating Holidays and special events like birthdays.
As practical of a question as that might be, I thought it was funny... Parties are what we do best!
I told her, "trust me, those kids will always have some kind of party to be at!"
well, until next time folks.... have a great weekend!!
Well said, Sarah! Definitely insightful :).
thank you, Dad! :)