
Thursday, January 17, 2013


Updates anyone?

Here are a few updates just to fill everyone in (relating back to the November post)...

1. I found my knives.

2. I took the spinney handle off the house/garage door. We got in one last fight and lets just say, I won.

3. My hair products are still in the hallway cabinet with the towels, but they've become friends now, so it's all good.

4. Matt didn't buy my excuses, "But Babe, all the cleaning products are all locked up! And now I just can't clean the house!"...he took the lock off. for now.

5. Our shower still gets cold after about 20 mins. I always wanted to join the Army. Now I feel as if I've shared in the short shower experiences. And, once that hot water starts disappearing, it doesn't matter if your hair is half shampoo'd. You're gonna yell, "Move! Move! Move!!" and you're gonna MOVE!

So, I think I've filled y'all in so far. Oooooh, except the part about yesterday.

Yesterday we went to visit our CSW in LA to fill out some more paper work at 9am. The drive was just peachy. Clear skies and absolutely no traffic. Ha.
We thought an hour would be enough time to go a distance that should be 30 mins. Guess not! It took over an hour and 10 mins to get there, then we had to circle the building for another 10, trying to find parking. Good times. I showed up to our appointment completely calm, collected, and I definitally didn't sprint down the hallway to the office.

Once inside, we were greeted by our super sweet Social Worker and put in a little room with a table and some chairs. She gave us a bunch of legal papers to sign and a questionnaire about having ever been abused (physically, sexually or emotionally)... and then she left the room for a few minutes. And we completely behaved ourselves. We are also betting that it was all caught on a hidden camara and we will now be denied children due to our lack of adult-like behavior.

When we were done with all our paperwork, she told us that:
1. We are still in line for her to check our home and do the home interview with us.
2. It probably won't be until March.
3. Right now there is nothing left for us to do but wait for her to contact us.
4. After her home visit, she will fill out a report on us, then send it to the system, where they will begin searching for a "match" for us.

Woo hoo, almost there!!
 And now that we have about a month or so to work with, we are planning amazingly fun weekends, with amazingly fun friends, and we are going to get some extra stuff done around this house.

Since this is a blog of lists, here's another one.

1. Make frozen dinner meals for our future family. (thank you Pinterest!)
2. organize my necklaces and earrings in an out-of-the-way area. (thank you Pinterest!)
3. Have fun. Be spontaneous!
4. Save more money. Live wisely, not wastefully.
5. Read more books!
No Excuses!!

6. Work out more than 2 days a week. I have absolutely no excuse to not be in the best shape ever right now. It is time.
7. Eat healthy every day, even on the weekends!
8. Have lots and lots of Hubby and Me time.

There are many more I could add to this list, but I have to go to work soon and make that money honey!

To be continued...

Friday, January 11, 2013

Little Blessings? Yes Please!

Seems like it might still be a little while until we see any other little life-forms in this house besides ourselves.

I talked to our CSW on the phone on Monday... She went through every paper I ever sent her checking things off some list. Wow. We did a LOT of paperwork! 10 mins later... Guess what? We made an appointment to go see her to fill out MORE papers! yay. And we both have to take a morning off work to drive to LA. Woopee.

This is what we get for going through LA County and not doing a private adoption. However, I am completely ok with it! Yes, the waiting is getting old. And SO annoying. But this waiting period has come with many little blessings as well!

I mean, if I had kids right now, could I be sitting here drinking coffee, listening to my favorite playist while everything in the house is still and quiet? (except for that guy snoring in my bedroom)...

I am so grateful for these last few months of waiting because I have had plenty of time to read up on foster kids, behavioral issues, how to feed your kids healthy meals, how to schedule your day and work part time... I know, I know, all of this will fly out of the window when the time actually gets here. But hey, I tried, right?

I mean, we're having a great time. The past 6 years of our marriage have been one big party! We have fun, we play, we relax... this weekend one of my oldest best friends is coming for the weekend. We might be going to see the monster trucks at Monster Jam. We might not. We might stay in, we might go out. We're going to stay up late and sleep in. We're going to just run off and do whatever we feel like at the moment. Could I do that if I had kids? Nope.
Most weekends consist of things we have to get done, and then a bunch of random-last-minute good times with friends.
I'm enjoying my quiet mornings of books and hot coffee, because one day I know I'll be re-heating that coffee every 15 minutes and never get to drink a warm sip.
So in all this annoying waiting, I am seeing many little blessings. And I'm really trying to enjoy them and focus on them.

So the meantime, while you're waiting for my next update.... Check out my friend Emily's blog! She and I have been friends since we were tiny, blond
haired, skinny, little brats. Not much has changed... except now we're just a little older. She has been through a lot in the past few years and is ready to share her story, along with all the new exciting stories currently happening!
She and I were talking a year or so ago about adoptions. (We had both been trying to get pregnant for about 2 years at that point, and Matt and I were already starting the Foster License process).
I said, "you guys should look into it, it might be a good option for you!" And she said something like, "I feel like God is saying this just isn't the right time for us... a Social Worker would literally have to drop some kid(s) off at my door."
Guess. what. happened. to Emily a few months ago? Wow. God works in mysterious ways! You don't think He does? You don't think He exists? Well let me just say that there is nothing more amazing than seeing God work in your life. So believe it or not, He's there. Take a look around! :)

Until next time friends!
Count your Belssing!